Introduction Paragraph

Basic Structure (detailed descriptions below):

Introduction – keep it short and sweet: 3-5 sentences
     A. "Attention getter"

     B. Background information
     C. Thesis: Argument + Evidence; in parallel structure


"Attention Getter" (a.k.a. Hook or Exordium)

  • Must be closely related to your topic
  • 5 Options:

    1. a quote (
    2. a question
    3. a fact or statistic
    4. an anecdote (story or joke)
    5. an imperative statement (a bold statement or charge)

Background Information

  • TAG (author, title, genre) of the work you are analyzing
  • Short summary-- only what is necessary to understand your point 
  • Transition to thesis



  • Do not apologize or admit that you don't know what you are talking about.
  • Do not use disclaimer phrases ("In my opinion" or "I think").
  • Do not announce what you are about to write ("In this paper/essay I will..." or "The purpose of this essay is...").


Some examples
Examples of Various Attention-Getters
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