4 Types of Essays

Four Types of Essays 
There are many more types of writing, but these are the four most common:

Make an argument (analysis, interpretation, or evaluation), and prove that your argument is valid by supporting your claim with evidence from the text.  Often, you will use this type of essay for literary analysis.

Persuasive Essay 
Persuade others of your opinion: think of it as a debate with a classmate.  A persuasive essay must include a complete and logical information which leaves no doubt regarding the argument being made and its support.

Tell a story.  This type of essay can be used for multiple purposes: to inform, instruct, persuade, or entertain.  Narrative essays can be creative fictional stories, anecdotes, and autobiographies.

After composing a research question and collecting material to answer the question, combine the information into one cohesive idea (thesis) that answers the question.  Write an essay explaining and supporting the answer you found.